IconSelf Care for Leaders


Assist leaders in handling environment of high demand, uncertainty and stress; allow participants to pause, reflect and access inherent self awareness and kindness towards self and others; enhance emotional intelligence and leadership skills overall

Typical format:

  • Week I (2 one-hour sessions): recognizing consequences of high demand and stress (discomfort, distractibility, speed, sense of overwhelm, etc.)
  • Week II (2 one-hour sessions): developing kindness/acceptance towards all aspects of experience
  • Week III (2 one-hour sessions): engaging others skillfully, deepening empathy
This group format can also be adapted to a one or two-day format, deepening on client needs; it can also serve as the basis for individually tailored executive coaching programs.


  • mindfulness, reflection, body/movement practices, Appreciative Inquiry, communication practices;
  • framework presented by Kristin Neff;
  • short readings, links, videos, simple homework assignments


  • interactive, exploratory, safe, fun


  • All leaders/managers from private and public sectors, and not for profits

IconBusiness Mind, Beginner’s Mind


Self awareness, self discovery and growing the business, for private sector entrepreneurs, “intrapreneurs” (enterprising people within companies) and social entrepreneurs; deepen understanding that mind profoundly influences business outcomes; introducing enterprise as a path of learning that can be navigated.

Typical format:

  • Week I (3 one-hour sessions): ground/basis, discipline, simplicity
  • Week II (3 one-hour sessions): innovation, nimbleness, heart
  • Week III (3 one-hour sessions): daring, play, authentic presence
This group format can also be adapted to a two-day format, depending on client needs; it can also serve as the basis for individually tailored executive coaching programs.


  • mindfulness, reflection, body/movement and communication exercises, business case studies drawn from participants, “stories” of enterprise from guest speakers and participants;
  • participants will develop and begin to test a new business idea while in the program; at the end, they will present this idea for learning, feedback, etc.;
  • frameworks of Eric Ries (The Lean Startup), Paul Hawken (Growing a Business) and Jim Collins (Good to Great);
  • short readings, links, videos, simple homework assignments;


  • interactive, exploratory, safe, provocative, fun


  • All entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and social entrepreneurs interested in starting or growing a business and exploring how mind impacts the path of enterprise

IconMindfulness Curriculum for Addictions Services Clients and Staff


  • Present view and practice of mindfulness for addictions clients and staff; interrupt “autopilot” tendencies and develop new, more healthy habits;
  • cultivate appreciation of living and self worth: cut into harsh self judgements and shame; rediscover sense of humour and creativity; mine current research on mindfulness and addiction; train professionals in addictions to present mindfulness authentically

 Typical format:

  • Week I (3 90-minute sessions): recognizing experience through mindfulness (introducing view and practice of mindfulness; emphasis on body; cultivating curiosity and openness to positive, neutral and negative/uncomfortable experiences; seeing automatic patterns and their role in addictive response; importance of vision, goal-setting and commitment in recovery
  • Week II (3 90-minute sessions): cultivating kindness toward self and experience (attitude of tolerance, patience, kindness, acceptance; tapping unconditional, playful, child-like experience; mindful communication; reinforcing commitment to daily practice
  • Week III (3 90-minute sessions): courage in working with discomfort (building confidence to ride the waves of uncomfortable, negative thinking, emotion, sensation; discerning one’s limits, learning when to ask for help, or use other coping strategies; purpose, vision, values in the face of challenges; accessing the bravery and strength inherent in mindfulness; reinforce commitment to daily practice
  • Week IV (3 90-minute sessions): reviewing key learnings and committing to applications going forward (summarizing learnings; strategies for self care; opportunities going forward for appreciation and generosity towards oneself and others; saying goodbye; reinforcing commitment to daily practice; suggested resources for continued group and individual practice
This 4-week group format can be given with addictions clients, as a train-the-trainer model for staff, or both; it can also serve as the basis for individually tailored work clients or staff.


  • mindfulness, reflection, movement, yoga, chi gong, artistic expression, sensory exercises, mindful communication, Appreciative Inqiury;
  • frameworks of Bowen, Chawla and Marlatt (Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention of Addictive Behaviours), Mate (In the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts), and Kabat-Zinn (Coming to our Senses);
  • short readings, links, videos, recorded guides for mindfulness practices, simple homework assignments


  • interactive, exploratory, safe, compelling, fun


  • Addictions clients after detox; staff professionals in addictions services